The name speaks for itself - Rhapsodies and Anecdotes. This is the venue in which I share (often ecstatically) personal stories about what God teaches me as I dive into His Word each day. I hope you like what I post and that it challenges you as it does me.

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Checking Out

Have you ever been so focused and excited about what God has planned for you in the future that you lost sight of what God had for you in the present?  It's like we mentally check out of our present and cease to be aware of how God is working around us because our minds have honed in on and focused solely on the future.

This subject keeps coming up in my conversations - partly because I see other people doing it, but mostly because I feel convicted about it myself.  Then, of course, Scripture has something to say about it.  And, yet again, it comes up in my daily time in the Word (proof that I need to be consistently reading the Bible).  This morning was a reading of Matthew 4, the predominant story of which is Jesus being tempted in the wilderness.  The devil tempts Jesus to turn stones into bread, to call on the angels to catch Him from falling, and even to bow down and worship him.

It's interesting to me to read this story in the mindset that I've been in lately because my response is not typical, for myself at least.  My first thought upon reading this passage today was, "What if Jesus had checked out?"

Think about it.  What if He had?  Would Jesus, being starving and tired from a 40 day trek through the wilderness, have responded the way that He did to the first temptation of meeting his own physical needs?  I know I wouldn't have.  I'd be so focused on my physical need that I would probably be happily munching away on some newly created bread before I even realized I'd given in to temptation!  And yet, how did Jesus respond?
And he answered, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" (vs. 4)
My point is this:  If Jesus - knowing that He was going to eventually go up to heaven and be seated at the right hand of God - still focused on each day as a chance to glorify His Father in heaven, shouldn't we follow His example?

Yes, God has a plan for your life and your future.  Yes, it's exciting where He's taking you and what He's going to do through you to further His kingdom and glorify Himself.

BUT, if you get so caught up in a good thing that's coming that you miss out on great opportunities in the present to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ - what good is it?

It's a challenge for us all.  Don't check out!  We can't afford to miss a single chance to show Christ to someone in how we live today.

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