The name speaks for itself - Rhapsodies and Anecdotes. This is the venue in which I share (often ecstatically) personal stories about what God teaches me as I dive into His Word each day. I hope you like what I post and that it challenges you as it does me.

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A Reminder

I just need someone to remind me of basic truth every once in a while.  Have you ever been there?  That's this morning for me.

I got up this morning to run and after I got home and cleaned up a bit, I sat down to read today's Bible passage from the L3 Journal, which was Luke 4, and what really hit home with me seemed so basic...and yet so necessary.

But then I started thinking about it.  I knew I wanted to write about what I had read and share that truth, but it seemed too simple.  What I had learned seemed like it wasn't good enough or spiritual enough.  I started to go back and re-read the passage, maybe find something 'deeper' to write about, but God grabbed hold of my attention and pointed something out to me.

Sometimes I see what the pastors at church blog about or what other 'spiritual giants' in my life comment on when they read the same passage I read and I get a little twinge of...I don't know...jealousy maybe?  It just seems like they got so much more out of what they were reading than I did - but like I said, today God just grabbed hold of me - I make things too complicated sometimes.  I look too hard and miss the most obvious things.  This morning is a bit of a convicting reminder for me to rest in the joy of reading scripture, to be open to God telling me what He's going to tell me, and that's it!

I almost skipped over that last couple of paragraphs to write about what I got out of Luke 4 today - that Jesus was tempted, that temptation is always something God provides a way out of, that being filled with the Spirit is a guaranteed way to escape temptation.  Those are all necessary truths for me to be reminded of today in my own walk with the Lord.  But that's for me.  It's what God chose to reveal to me today.

I would encourage you to seek the same thing.  What is God revealing to you today?  Compared to anything I could ever say, what God has to say to you is going to be far more relevant, more convicting, more valuable.  Genuinely seek God's face today and He'll show Himself to you more clearly than anything you've ever seen.

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