The name speaks for itself - Rhapsodies and Anecdotes. This is the venue in which I share (often ecstatically) personal stories about what God teaches me as I dive into His Word each day. I hope you like what I post and that it challenges you as it does me.

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I hear a lot of people talk about the American Dream or life goals or their calling in life.  Especially when they don't have clear direction - then they start to talk about feeling lost and unsure of the future.  If they're a Christian, then I hear phrases like, "I don't know where God is leading me" or "I'm trying to figure out God's will for my life."  I hear it a lot - probably because I say those kind of things so much myself.

But, I was convicted this morning reading through Luke chapter 13.  Verse 24 really stood out to me:
"Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able."
That word "strive" really gets me in the gut.  Jesus didn't say "Hope to enter through the narrow door" or "Think about going through the narrow door."  Jesus said strive.  That's a word that implies effort.  The definition is "exert oneself vigorously, try hard."  Don't get me wrong, I don't think Jesus is telling us to work to earn our salvation.  That's not the intention here at all.

Jesus is saying this phrase and He's convicting me so much this morning about not being lazy.  About not having a laissez faire approach to life - and to my walk with Christ, specifically.  Instead of waiting for God to "reveal His will" to me or complaining that I don't know what my calling is in life, He's pointing out that He's already told me His will for my life.  He tells me in His Word to, "Seek first the kingdom of God."

Just because I'm saved and I know I'm going to heaven doesn't mean that my work stops there.  I still have a call on my life to lead others to Christ.  I still have a mission in life to bring glory to the Father.  Do I have to do anything to earn my salvation?  No.  But I still have tasks here on earth that God has called me to do and will continue to call me to do until I go home to heaven.  Jesus is just reminding me of that this morning.

So the challenge for myself as I go on to the rest of my day, and the challenge for you as well, is to strive.  Seek out ways to advance God's kingdom.  Look for ways to glorify Him.  You may not know specifically what school you're supposed to go to or what state you're supposed to live in.  You may be unsure about who to marry or what job to have.  BUT - if we're seeking after God, if we're striving for the narrow door - do any of those details really matter?  Don't we serve a God who is bigger than that?  Trust Him.  He's bigger than any of the details and He's infinitely more capable of handling them.

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