The name speaks for itself - Rhapsodies and Anecdotes. This is the venue in which I share (often ecstatically) personal stories about what God teaches me as I dive into His Word each day. I hope you like what I post and that it challenges you as it does me.

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That Person

Picture this:  you're sitting in a cafe (or whatever place you frequent often) and in walks that person.  You know who I'm talking about.  They're the person that every time you talk to them you come away feeling negative. It could even be discouraging to talk to them at times.  Honestly, do you know someone like that?

It's hard isn't it?  Trying to make conversation when the person just keeps finding something negative to talk about, even in the most positive of situations.

Question:  Are you ever that person?  Am I?

I was reading Philemon this morning and the Lord pointed several things out to me.  Usually, I read it and the main theme that resonates is the idea of reconciliation and making sure that I've dealt with conflict appropriately.  This morning, however, I noticed that on two different instances Paul uses a form of the word "refresh."
"For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you."  vs. 7
"Yes, brother, I want some benefit from you in the Lord.  Refresh my heart in Christ."  vs. 20 
I just couldn't get away from it.  Literally, I had to go get the Greek Lexicon off of the shelf and start looking up root words and uses in other areas of the Bible because I just kept thinking about that word.

It took me all day thinking about it to finally realize what God was trying to say to me.

Sometimes I am that person.

And so, yet again, I'm convicted - not that it's a bad thing, mind you - it's just tough to seek growth in your walk with God because the closer you get the more sin you see.  I think Paul is right on when he commends Philemon for being an individual who is refreshing to be around.  Philemon does it for the whole body of believers through the way he lives out his faith (vs. 7), but he also does it for Paul individually through obedience and reconciliation (vs. 20).

It's a great example to live by because we all have times where life gets just plain overwhelming and stressful and we can tend to get negative - even if you don't, I know I certainly do.  But I think the important thing is to remember that everyone else has those times, too.  Why not follow the example of Philemon?  Wouldn't you prefer be that breath of fresh air to someone rather than foul, stale air?  Wouldn't you like to be the person that people look forward to talking to?

Or would you rather be known as that person?

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