The name speaks for itself - Rhapsodies and Anecdotes. This is the venue in which I share (often ecstatically) personal stories about what God teaches me as I dive into His Word each day. I hope you like what I post and that it challenges you as it does me.

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Whatever you do and for whatever reason you're reading this right now, know this: I'm praying for you, reader. I'm praying that God works in your heart to draw you more and more to Himself.



Long story short, for the past week or so as I've been reading the Bible I've been coming across verses that made me question my salvation a little. It made me unsettled because I still remember the day I gave my life to Christ like it was yesterday. To be honest, I really started questioning and wondering if God was trying to tell me that I only thought I had been a Christian all these years. Today, in Jeremiah 17 I read,

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick, who can understand it?"

That was a huge tipping point for me because I just really started worrying more than before. So I prayed. Halfway through my reading this morning I couldn't handle the worry anymore, so I just prayed:

"God, I know what you've done in my heart. I can see things that you've taught me through the years about yourself. I remember coming to you more clearly than anything. Please give me peace about my salvation, strength to keep pursuing your will, and the courage to do your will when I figure it out."

Feeling a little better and more at peace just from giving my worry to God, I continued in my reading. This was the first verse I read:

"I have said all these things to you to keep you from falling away." John 16:1

...and then this...

"...for the Father himself loves you, because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God." John 16:27

...and then this...

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace." John 16:33

If that's not an answer to prayer, I don't know what is! I feel like today was just for me, but I hope that it's an encouragement to some of you who read this.

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