The name speaks for itself - Rhapsodies and Anecdotes. This is the venue in which I share (often ecstatically) personal stories about what God teaches me as I dive into His Word each day. I hope you like what I post and that it challenges you as it does me.

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Whatever you do and for whatever reason you're reading this right now, know this: I'm praying for you, reader. I'm praying that God works in your heart to draw you more and more to Himself.



Here at the seminary, we go to chapel twice a week. Some people might say that's too much, especially if you consider that most of us attending chapel are also involved in our local church and are probably in some form of worship setting four or more times a week. If you count ministry, serving, personal devotions, studying for classes - that's a lot of time with Jesus. I sometimes hear, "Don't you get burned out?"

No. I don't, actually. Not on time with Jesus. But that's a different topic for a different day.

However, for the past couple of weeks there has been a thought...idea...feeling impressed on me each time I've been in chapel or church.

Part of our worship is in song, and it is an awesome thing. A chorus of voices singing loud praises to our God and Savior. Sometimes I love just standing near the back and watching everyone join in the song, hands raised in the air, crying out in thanks and praise to God for sending His Son to save us, for making His Name known, for loving us the way that He does. As I watch, I thank God for all of it - a room filled with people who love Him, who are passionate about telling Him, and who are eager to tell others about Him as well. It is a wonderful reminder of the blessing it is to be in a community of believers. I find myself grinning ear to ear because of how thankful I am.

This past Thursday, one of the songs we sang was by Hillsong, by the name of "Cornerstone." Take a listen. I'll be here when you get back.

That song is beautifully written. The words guide us to reflect on the sacrifice made on our behalf, to remember that Christ is our anchor and worthy of our trust, and to praise Him. Our voices rose, chanting out, practically shouting out, "He is Lord, Lord of all!"

My heart felt as if it might burst with joy and thankfulness.

Even so, I had the weirdest sensation. Almost overcome with joy, I also felt my knees almost buckle under the weight of another emotion - sorrow. For the past couple of weeks this has been happening. Each time it happens, I almost feel like two people in the same body. It's very strange to have exactly opposite emotions flooding you at the same time.

See, as the shout rose up in joyful praise of our "Lord of all," I could not help but think,

"Not yet."

I know, in the broadest sense, that God is Lord over all of the earth. He is supreme and reigning and present. These things I know and love about God. But I also know that there are so many who do not believe in God or trust Jesus Christ to be their Savior and Lord. More overwhelming than that, there are millions upon millions who have never even heard this great news that we cherish - that Christ died so that we might live!

Reflect on that. Let it really soak in. As you praise the God that you have been so blessed to have the chance to know and worship, as you come together with other believers in a community that we so often take for granted, never forget the millions upon millions who do not praise because they have never even heard.

Live thankfully that you know the Lord of all.

But live urgently that all might know the Lord.

That you might know Christ,

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