The name speaks for itself - Rhapsodies and Anecdotes. This is the venue in which I share (often ecstatically) personal stories about what God teaches me as I dive into His Word each day. I hope you like what I post and that it challenges you as it does me.

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What's Down In The Well...

I was talking to my dad this evening and he said something that he's said countless times throughout the years as we were growing up -  "What's down in the well comes up in the bucket."  Now, I know that's not original to him, but it's one of those phrases that just makes me think of my dad and the wisdom that he has imparted over the years (I'm pretty sure that the older I get the wiser he becomes...).

Anyway, it started me thinking about something else that's become something of a conviction in my life lately.  Last week, during our Thursday morning prayer time, one of the guys brought up the point that we as Christians (and men, specifically) should have Scripture memorized.  Normally I would hear that and agree wholeheartedly and never actually do anything about it because so many times in my life I find myself getting really gung-ho about some issue or conviction but never really being spurred to action.  Fortunately for us, we have a guy in our group who is adamant about us being men of action, men who see needs and rise to meet them, men who feel conviction and move to respond in whatever way God directs.

After further discussion, the decision was made.  We're going to memorize Scripture.  Not just any scripture though, not just random smatterings of verses from all over the Bible.  We're going to memorize Ephesians.

"Ephesians what?" someone asked me after I told him about it.
All of it.
6 chapters.
155 verses.
The whole book.

It seemed a daunting task at first.  Even now, in the midst of memorizing, it seems quite difficult to say the least.  We have a lot going for us, though.  It's something that God wants us as believers to do (Psalm 119:11) and it's something that the Lord gives us strength to do (Phil. 4:13).

It's a vital part of the Christian faith and that brings me back to the phrase I was talking about earlier.  God wants us filling up our lives with His word and His truth because that phrase really is true - whatever we fill our hearts and minds with is what's going to come out in our lives.

So.  What are you putting in your well?

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