The name speaks for itself - Rhapsodies and Anecdotes. This is the venue in which I share (often ecstatically) personal stories about what God teaches me as I dive into His Word each day. I hope you like what I post and that it challenges you as it does me.

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Whatever you do and for whatever reason you're reading this right now, know this: I'm praying for you, reader. I'm praying that God works in your heart to draw you more and more to Himself.



A friend of mine teaches sixth grade math, I think in the Delta.  He posted this story on Twitter yesterday.  I changed the names for the sake of privacy.

"My conversation with the student I sent to alternative school that I ran into at Walmart:
Billy:  Hey, Mr. Smith!
Mr. Smith:  Hello there, Billy.
Billy:  You know I'm in alternative school?
Mr. Smith:  Yes, I'm is it?
Billy:  It's fun!  You can buy Mountain Dew.
Mr. Smith:  Yes, that is fun.  How's your math going?
Billy:  94
Mr. Smith:  That's great, Billy.  What are you studying now?
Billy:  I'm suspended right now.
Mr. Smith:  Why is that?
Billy:  I drew a star.
Mr. Smith:  Seems like there is more to that story...
Billy:  with a knife...on Johnny.
Mr. Smith:  There it is...Well, good talk.  I'm leaving now."

I'm still deciding whether that makes me want to laugh or cry, although I'll probably end up doing both by the end of the day.  Either way, it's a call to pray for the state of the world we live in, for the souls of all the lost people who have never accepted Christ or haven't even heard the Gospel in the first place.

Especially in this Easter season, when we remember that Jesus went to the cross for our sins and celebrate that He rose again on the third day, what are we doing to share the great love of Christ that we have so undeservingly received?  When's the last time any of us shared our story of how Christ changed our lives, how He pulled us out of the darkness and into the light, how He made us new creations in Him?

Sure, this story was meant to be funny - if you only knew the guy it happened to!  But what if we used it as a catalyst for change?  What if we use it as inspiration to go out and do something to influence the world for Christ?  What if we further the Kingdom of God because of it?

Love the people you meet today.  Tell them your story of life change.  People may not necessarily ask you for more information, they may not want to hear you, and you may never even see them again, but you'll have planted a seed.  You will have begun what Jesus commanded us to do before He left this earth,  "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations..."

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