The name speaks for itself - Rhapsodies and Anecdotes. This is the venue in which I share (often ecstatically) personal stories about what God teaches me as I dive into His Word each day. I hope you like what I post and that it challenges you as it does me.

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Spring Break

I wish I had more time to read.  It's one of my favorite things to do, and I just get so caught up in everything around me that it falls to the back-burner.  Maybe a priority adjustment is in order.

That said, this week was Spring Break for me and Beth.  I don't think next year we'll be so lucky, but this time it was the same for us both.  Here's the break-down:

Saturday, March 15 - Relaxed the first part of the day, then attended a beautiful wedding ceremony for Ashley Thomas and Tim Krason, then drove to Birmingham.

Sunday - Church with Beth's family, lunch for her birthday, relax the rest of the day.  Her mom bought Cheesecake Factory cheesecake for dessert, and it was divine.  =]

Monday - I graded papers while Beth went shopping with her mom for her birthday.

Tuesday - We left Birmingham to go to Atlanta.  We had time for shopping at IKEA, visiting with cousins, and dinner with old friends at Figo (a pasta place I highly recommend) before heading to a cabin in North Georgia for a few restful days alone.

Wednesday - It rained.  Good thing we were in the cabin!  I must say, while we were lazy bums, this was perhaps my favorite day of the week.  We woke up around 11:30 or so, made breakfast, and then promptly fell back asleep to the sound of rain on our tin roof until some time around 3.  I don't get days like that very often, but it sure is awesome to rest...really rest. We went shopping that evening at an outlet mall nearby.

Thursday - We made breakfast, and then both of us worked the majority of the day on school stuff.  Can't leave the jobs behind forever...oh well, we got a lot done in the solitude of the cabin.

Friday - Left for Atlanta, saw more old friends, found a great study on Nehemiah that we're going to start doing together, and then headed back to Birmingham.  I hate Atlanta traffic.

Today we got up, got ready, loaded the car, killed the battery in the car, transferred stuff to another car, picked up a friend, and drove home - it was long...really long...but oh, so worth it.  I am so excited to be back in my home.

Is it bad that I don't really want to go back to school?

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