{I love to write. And I'd love to write on my blog more often, but many times I feel like I have more to say than time or space to say it. Blogger gives me a practically unlimited space to write in, but I don't always have time to write a post of my typical length. Twitter is my preferred means of social media, but the character limit is sometimes too small to fit everything I want to say. So, I thought of something that can both limit my words and free up time for consistent writing.
New method for making the aforementioned new goal a manageable task: Twitter style.
Each post in this format will be limited to only a paragraph or two of concisely written response to Scripture. Think of it like a few tweets about the same passage of Scripture - short enough to read quickly, long enough to get across a point that Twitter's character limit would not necessarily allow.
It's an experiment, but one that I really hope works for me. Did I mention I love to write?}
Seeking wisdom from the Lord this morning, I ran across this gem: "Who has ascended into heaven and descended? Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Who has wrapped the waters in His garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is His name or His son's name? Surely you know!" [Proverbs 30:4]
I am struck by how small I am and how big God is. I am convicted by how much I trust and put faith in myself and how often I do so by sacrificing my trust and faith in the Father, who "gathered the wind in His fists." I am overjoyed at the prospect of Jesus Christ, God's own Son, vast enough to establish the earth and yet personal enough to die on the cross for me, a sinner. How greatly He humbled Himself! How much more ought I to do the same?
#humility #trust #gospel